
Z Nicolazzo headshot

Z Nicolazzo on the record breaking anti-trans legislation being introduced across the US

May 6, 2021

EPSP Associate Professor Z Nicolazzo recently spoke with Teen Vogue about an open letter signed by more than 17,300 educators and educational scholars that was sent to President Biden in...

Jameson D Lopez headshot

Jameson D Lopez selected for Early Career Scholars Award

May 6, 2021

The College is proud to announce that EPSP Assistant Professor Jameson D Lopez has been selected for The University of Arizona Early Career Scholars Award! This award was established to acknowledge outstanding early career faculty who are at the forefront of their disciplines and make highly valued contributions to the teaching, creative activity and service priorities set out in the University's Strategic Plan.


Karina Salazar headshot

2021 Urquides Laureate Award Recipient, Karina Salazar, Ph.D.

April 27, 2021

Please join Dean Bruce Johnson in congratulating Dr. Karina Salazar on receiving the 2021 Urquides Laureate Award.

The Urquides Laureate Award honors outstanding contributions by College of Education faculty and academic professionals in bilingual education on behalf of children.

Dr. Salazar is an assistant professor in the Center for the Study of Higher Education. Her research program analyzes...

Jenny Lee headshot

Professor Jenny Lee

April 16, 2021

Professor Jenny Lee is the new vice president-elect of American Educational Research Association's Division J: Postsecondary Education.

Gary Rhoades headshot

Professor Gary Rhoades

April 16, 2021

Professor Gary Rhoades was quoted in the Columbia Spectator about graduate students who are now facing the reality of working hard during a...

Jameson David Lope headshot

Announcing the newest Erasmus Circle Fellow

March 23, 2021

The title of Erasmus Circle Fellow is one of the highest honors bestowed upon our faculty in the College of Education. Erasmus Circle Fellows are faculty leaders who have demonstrated excellence in their fields. They are nominated by their department heads and former Erasmus Circle Fellows, then selected by the College of Education National Advisory Board. 

We are happy to announce this year’s Erasmus Circle Fellow, Department of...

Amanda Tachine headshot

Announcing Diversity Speaker Series

Feb. 17, 2021

The College of Education Diversity Committee is kicking off its new speaker series on February 23 with Center for the Study of Higher Education alumna Amanda Tachine, a Navajo from Ganado, Arizona. She is Náneesht’ézhí Táchii’nii (Zuni Red Running into Water clan) born for Tl’izilani (Many Goats clan). She is an assistant professor in educational leadership and...