
katherine cheng headshot

HSI Faculty Seed Grant Recipient

Sept. 18, 2024

Congratulations to 2024 Seed Grant Recipient Katherine Cheng for her proposal Enhancing Emotional and Motivational Development to Support Health Equity and Motivational Development to Support Health Equity and Educational Retention in Historically Marginalized University Students.

Join Dean Robert Q. Berry and Colin Waite to Celebrate 60 Years of the Cooper Center and Help Raise $60,000 for Tucson's Future!

Sept. 18, 2024

Join Dean Robert Q. Berry and Executive Director of the Cooper Center for Environmental Learning, Colin Waite, in their discussion about the Cooper Center's six-decade-long history in Tucson, AZ. The Cooper Center began in 1964 and celebrates its 60th year of providing Tucson K-12 students with hands-on environmental education experiences in Southern Arizona.

To celebrate, the Cooper Center is crowdfunding September - October 2024...

Enoch-Stevens headshot

Dr. Enoch-Stevens and Dr. Daramola Secure Spencer Foundation Grant for Groundbreaking Study on Black Vision-Setting and K-12 School Police Defunding Policies

Sept. 11, 2024

Dr. Enoch-Stevens (Principal Investigator, EPSP) and Dr. Eupha Jeanne Daramola (Co-Principal Investigator, UC Irvine) have been awarded a research grant from the Spencer Foundation to support their study of how Black vision-setting has shaped a local K-12 funding policy, namely the reallocation of dollars previously used for school police. This two-year project, titled "Imagine the Possibilities: How Black Imaginaries...

chi nguyen headshot

Dr. Chi Nguyen Publishes Study on Korean Christian Students' Experiences with White Christian Nationalism in U.S. Higher Education

Sept. 11, 2024

Dr. Chi Nguyen (Assistant Professor, Educational Leadership & Policy) has recently published a research study in the Review of Education, Pedagogy, and Cultural Studies with Jinhee Choi and Anke Li. The publication, titled “Navigating challenges in American higher education: Korean international Christian students’ use of spiritual capital in response to white Christian nationalism,” examines the experiences of 16...

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Omar Duron, Somerton Superintendent and Ed.D. Student, Awarded Drs. George and Mary Garcia Leadership Scholarship

Sept. 11, 2024

Omar Duron, an Educational Leadership & Policy Doctorate of Education (Ed.D.) student, and the new superintendent of Somerton School District in Somerton, AZ, has been awarded the Drs. George and Mary Garcia Leadership Fund Scholarship. The prestigious award acknowledges Mr. Duron’s hard work, dedication, and passion for his studies. He commented, “As someone who grew...

flori ceneno huit wearing a polka dot black and white blouse, holding her award

Dr. Flori Centeno Huitt Receives Arizona School Administrators Outstanding Dissertation Award for Research on Asset-Based Instruction

Sept. 11, 2024

Dr. Flori Centeno Huitt, a 2023 Educational Leadership & Policy Doctorate of Education (Ed.D.) graduate and the Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction in the Tucson Unified School District, was awarded the Arizona School Administrators Outstanding Dissertation Award in June 2024. Her dissertation, which used qualitative methods, examined how elementary teachers of English language learners used...

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Women of Impact!

Sept. 6, 2024

We are delighted to share that Dr. Melanie McKay-Cody, Assistant Professor in the Department of Disability and Psychoeducational Studies, along with our esteemed College of Education colleagues, Dr. Nadia Alvarez Mexia and Dr. Stephanie Troutman Robbins, have been named to the University of Arizona's 2024 Women of Impact cohort. This prestigious recognition is awarded by the Office of Research, Innovation, and Impact....

Celebration of Life, Dr. Luis C. Moll

Aug. 15, 2024

We invite you to share your cherished memories of Dr. Moll by submitting photos for the celebration of life event on September 20. Your contributions will help us honor his legacy and the lasting impact he had on so many lives. Whether it’s a moment of laughter, a special event, or a simple day at work, these photos will serve as...

cooper center kids in the mountains

Cooper Center is Hiring!

Aug. 14, 2024

Cooper Center is hiring two student workers for the coming academic year, thanks to a generous grant from the University of Arizona Campus Sustainability Fund. Students can apply on Handshake. Interviews will start the week of August 19th....

Alison Irwin kneeling in a grassy field, holding a small dog, sunset in the distance

Student Research Spotlight: Alison Irwin’s Story

Aug. 5, 2024

College of Education Alumni Alison Irwin shares her story from student to camp director.

Campacity is a joint initiative between Y-USA and YMCA Europe, first launched in 2023, to foster collaborations between camps in the US and YMCAs in Europe. The program aims to provide support for children and families experiencing trauma, particularly those affected by the conflict in Ukraine.