
Alice Paul portrait

Remembering Alice Paul

Dec. 4, 2020

Many of you will remember Alice Paul, who was a faculty member in the college for 30 years. She served as head of the college’s Department of Teaching &Teacher Education (now the Department of Teaching, Learning & Sociocultural Studies) and was the first Native American academic department head at the university. She was recognized nationally as an authority on early childhood education and was remembered in this Arizona Alumni...

desiree vega headshot, wearing a floral blouse gray blazer, greenery as a backdrop

Associate Professor Desiree Vega

Dec. 3, 2020

Associate Professor Desiree Vega (right) and school psychology doctoral student Alaina Puff published this article in the Phi Delta Kappan on how counselors and psychologists support the college aspirations of students of color.

Amanda Cheromiah headshot

Director Amanda Cheromiah with a 40 Under 40 Award

Dec. 3, 2020

The National Center for American Indian Enterprise Development honored higher education doctoral student and Native SOAR Director Amanda Cheromiah with a 40 Under 40 Award, an award that recognizes 40 emerging...

Lysette Davi headshot

Lysette Davi received a 40 Under 40 Award

Dec. 3, 2020

Doctoral student and Honors College Assistant Director for Student Engagement Lysette Davi received a 40 Under 40 Award, an honor given to Tucson professionals under the age of 40 for "significant achievements and contributions to...

Professor Jill Koyama was honored with the 2020 Lydia Kennedy LGBTQ+ Distinguished Leadership Award

Dec. 3, 2020

Professor Jill Koyama was honored with the 2020 Lydia Kennedy LGBTQ+ Distinguished Leadership Award from the University of Arizona Health Sciences Office of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion. Given to a leader who demonstrates a strong commitment to building a safe,...

Sanlyn Buxner headshot

Associate Research Professor Sanlyn Buxner’s co-authored paper

Dec. 3, 2020

Associate Research Professor Sanlyn Buxner’s co-authored paper, Immersive, Interactive Virtual Field Trips, received the Journal of Geoscience Education 2020 Outstanding Paper Award.

Professor Emerita Norma González was the keynote speaker at the C&I Colloquium

Dec. 3, 2020

Professor Emerita Norma González was the keynote speaker at the C&I Colloquium. Following her address, Acknowledging Subjectivities and Positionalities within Humanizing Pedagogies, participants discussed the talk in breakout rooms, then engaged Professor Emerita...

Jameson David Lopez headshot

Assistant Professor Jameson David Lopez

Dec. 3, 2020

In honor of Native American Heritage Month, Maricopa County Cooperative Extension featured Assistant Professor Jameson David Lopez on its Facebook page, noting that he received a bronze star for his actions in a combat zone during his deployment...

Tony Viola headshot

Doctoral student Tony Viola was part of a Compassion into Action webinar

Dec. 3, 2020

Doctoral student Tony Viola was part of a Compassion into Action webinar that featured several faculty, staff, and students in a panel discussion about how a compassionate campus will help students succeed and increase the well-being of the entire campus community. ...