
Human-Ecological Learning, Activism, and Community Justice

June 19, 2019

When one is learning in a high school classroom about the history of a local water contamination disaster, Corey Knox examines how the environmental issue might be framed.
The aftermath of a widespread groundwater contamination resulted in severe and ongoing health issues, lawsuits, and designation as federal Superfund site of an area that housed primarily Latinx neighborhoods.
Through research,...

Project POEM

June 19, 2019

Using images and data from the University of Arizona's Mars HiRISE camera, Sunggye Hong and Stephen Kortenkampare creating educational experiences and tactile tools about the Red Planet to help students gain insight and interest in scientific exploration and study — and motivate students to imagine their future as scientists. Funded by the National Science Foundation, ...

Photo by Lanelle Ladero

How do international students manage in American higher education classrooms?

June 19, 2019

With over a million international students studying in US universities today, Professor Jenny Lee focuses her research on their experiences in American higher education.

On March 11, 2019, she spoke with Waseda University Assistant Professor Will Brehm on his podcast, FreshEd, to discuss the underlying political climate for international students and scholars. She shares about the rise of racism and...

Comp Hydro: Integrating Data Computation and Visualization to Build Model-based Water Literacy

June 19, 2019

High school science just got a little more meaningful. While learning about hydrologic systems, high school students will engage in using computer models to understand groundwater flow and use groundwater flow to understand computer modeling concepts.  Kristin L. Gunckel from UA collaborates with Colorado State University, University of Montana, and Cary Institute for Ecosystem Studies on this research...

Teachers in Industry

June 19, 2019

With over 90% of participating teachers remaining in their profession for at least three years after participation, this innovative project offers teachers a combination of paid summer work experience in Arizona businesses and intensive coursework, leading to either professional development credit or a master’s degree. At the same time, it aims to retain excellent teachers in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math.

UA College of...

Evaluation of UA Micro-campus Project

June 19, 2019

As mentioned in Inside Higher Ed: University of Arizona wants to establish more than 25 “microcampuses” -- capable of collectively educating more than 25,000 students -- at partner universities around the world. Arizona’s Center for the Study of Higher Education will be leading an evaluation effort of the microcampuses, looking at...

Designing with community in mind

June 19, 2019

Associate Professor Jill Castek is the principal investigator on a new project supported by the National Science Foundation on how best to develop inclusive studio-based learning environments. Castek and Assistant Professor Blaine Smith will be collaborating across campus with Kevin Bonine, Jennifer Nichols, and Leslie Sult from UA Biosphere 2, and the UA Libraries,...

An Intervention to Provide Youth with Visual Impairments with Strategies to Access Graphical Information in Math Word Problems

June 19, 2019

A team funded by the Institute of Education Sciences is building graphic literacy skills of middle school students with visual impairments. By allowing students with visual impairments to customize their work environment, and access graphics in their preferred literacy medium, they are better positioned to succeed in algebra. These students will then have a solid foundation to persist in STEM fields. Dr. Rosenblum directs this three-year, $1....

Examining the relationship between teaching practices and peer victimization

June 19, 2019

Peer victimization negatively impacts academic, psychological, and physical functioning in children. Studies have shown that whether and how children defend their victimized peers has a significant impact on victims’ adjustment. By examining the dynamic between teachers and students in fourth and fifth-grade classrooms over three years, this project will look at the complex ways in which teachers’ characteristics, practices, and actions...

Innovative research toward effective diabetes management looks at the role of sleep

June 19, 2019

We received a $2 million grant for a study to determine if adjustments to daily routines for youths with Type 1 diabetes can improve regulation of their glucose levels and enhance daily management of the disease.The five-year study will track routines such as sleep, diet, physical activity, school activity and diabetes management. It is being funded by the National Institutes of Health's National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney...