
Nolan Cabrera headshot

Nolan Cabrera on Juneteenth and Critical Race Theory

June 21, 2021

Professor Nolan Cabrera spoke with Arizona Public Media about how dismantling the structural issues of systemic racism, rather than an oversimplification of Juneteenth, is critical in order to truly move the conversation forward.

John Haupt and Jenny Lee headshots

How the pandemic is changing global science collaborations

June 16, 2021

Professor Jenny Lee recently spoke with Nature about her work with John Haupt, a doctoral candidate in the Higher Education program, that analyzes the increased collaboration between the United States and China on both COVID-19 papers and non-COVID-19 science.

NSF logo

Understanding the nature of US-China research collaborations on COVID-19

June 16, 2021

Research by Professor Jenny Lee and Higher Education doctoral candidate John Haupt found that during the COVID-19 pandemic, researchers from the US and China collaborated more frequently on pandemic-related research than on other research in the previous five years. To better understand how these collaborations occurred, Lee and Haupt recently received a National...

Jessie Harper in uniform headshot

Jessie Harper named Pac-12 Softball Scholar-Athlete of the Year

June 14, 2021

Congratulations to Jessie Harper, educational leadership master's student, on being named the 2021 Pac-12 Softball Scholar-Athlete of the Year!

The award was established to honor collegiate student-athletes who are standouts both academically and in their respective sports disciplines. A two-time All-...

Pathways graduation class of 2021

How Pathways to Teaching is addressing Arizona’s teacher shortage

June 7, 2021

Arizona's longtime teacher shortage is a key issue that the College's Pathways to Teaching program is hoping to address. The Arizona Daily Star spoke with Pathways Director Marcy Wood and recent graduates, Suzanne Mendoza and Kylie Grace Danvers-Gay, about the program.

Sonja Lanehart headshot

Sonja Lanehart named 2021 ACLS Digital Extension Grant awardee

June 1, 2021

We are excited to announce that Linguistics Professor Sonja Lanehart has been named a 2021 ACLS Digital Extension Grant awardee.

The Digital Extension Grant program supports collaborative, team-based humanities and interpretive social sciences projects that advance inclusive scholarly practices and promote greater understanding of diverse human experiences through digital research.


Kyle Danvers-Gay speaking at the head of a classroom

First Sunnyside Pathways to Teaching cohort graduates

May 27, 2021

The first cohort of the college's Sunnyside Unified School District Pathways to Teaching program has officially graduated! Kylie Danvers-Gay, a graduate of the program, and Pathways Director Marcy Wood spoke with KOLD about the program and its...

Ron Marx headshot

Arizona’s per pupil spending ranks 49th in the nation

May 27, 2021

Professor and Dean Emeritus Ron Marx recently spoke with KJZZ about Arizona's national ranking — 49th in the nation — of its per pupil spending. Last fiscal year, Arizona spent about $10,000 per student, below the national average, which is about $15,700.

Valerie and Jeremy headshots

Valerie Shirley and Jeremy Garcia to lead new AERA section for Indigenous teaching and teacher education

May 27, 2021

Earlier this month ITEP Directors Valerie Shirley and Jeremy Garcia were awarded the college’s Outstanding Faculty Service/Outreach Award for their dedication to Indigenous education. Part of their commitment has included advocating for a stronger research focus on Indigenous education within the American Educational Research Association Division K: Teaching and Teacher Education.

After three years of meeting...

Ricardo Dominguez giving a speech

Ricardo Dominguez increases STEM opportunities for students with SARSEF through Paul Lindsey internship

May 27, 2021

Ricardo Dominguez, an education policy master’s student, spent the last year interning with local nonprofit SARSEF through the college’s Paul Lindsey internship program. As a result of his internship, he was able to provide the nonprofit with the bandwidth to better track school involvement in their programs and assist them with the transition between virtual and in-person events. Learn more...