
Ernie McCray headshot

Alumnus and Wildcat Ring of Honor honoree Ernie McCray

April 21, 2021

Alumnus and Wildcat Ring of Honor honoree Ernie McCray shared his thoughts on the Wildcats NCAA Championship game, a season he says will forever be etched in his memory, in ...

Aubrey Neihaus headshot

Aubrey Neihaus

April 21, 2021

Aubrey Neihaus was awarded the 2021 Distinguished Dissertation Award from the Kansas Association of Teacher Educators.


Jose Olivas in UA gear standing next to spanish language banner

Alumnus and friend of the college Jose Olivas

April 21, 2021

Alumnus and friend of the college Jose Olivas ’87, who is the much-admired principal at Davis Bilingual Elementary Magnet School, was featured in this story on KVOA, Tucson’s NBC affiliate, about...

TREC logo

Leading a new collaborative community

April 16, 2021

The College of Education is leading the development of a new collaborative community, the Tucson Regional Educator Collaborative (TREC), to support professional learning opportunities for the region’s birth through 12th-grade educators. TREC is accomplishing this through leveraging the region’s existing resources and creating new opportunities.


Mr Homes sitting at head of table while other gather around with laptops

Pathways keep multiplying

April 16, 2021

We’re looking for future educators in Cochise County!

Our Pathways to Teaching program is growing — and then some! Through the program, school districts invest in community members to become future educators for local schools. Pathways began with a College of Education partnership with Sunnyside School District, and has been so successful...

Mary Carol Combs headshot

Win-win situation

April 16, 2021

Each year, the university's Graduate College recognizes two faculty members from across the university with the Graduate Teaching and Mentoring Award. It just so happens both awardees are from our college this year!

Please send congratulations to Professor ...

sad child

Community connections: Tu Nidito partnership teaches students about grief

March 23, 2021

Over the years, Tu Nidito, a nonprofit that specializes in providing — free of charge — emotional support to children, teens, young adults, and families impacted by the diagnosis of a serious medical condition or death of a loved one, has presented a workshop for educators on supporting children. The workshop has always had tremendous value, but it is even more...

Juliana Urtubey holding her awards

Nevada's 2021 Teacher of the Year

March 18, 2021

Not too long ago, we told you that alumna Juliana Urtubey was named Nevada's 2021 Teacher of the Year. Not only that, she is the first-ever Latino/a Nevada State Teacher of the Year. Urtubey earned a bachelor’s degree in...