Associate Professor Michelle Perfect spoke to KGUN 9, Tucson’s ABC affiliate, for this story about “coronasomnia,” the inability to sleep due to pandemic stress.
Assistant Professor of Practice Vanessa Perry held a one-hour virtual workshop – provided with simultaneous Italian-English interpretation – about fostering self-determination and self-advocacy of transition-age youth with disabilities for the University of Macerata...
Assistant Professor of Practice Rebecca Hartzell and her eight children were featured in this story on KOLD, Tucson’s CBS affiliate, about the adjustment and challenges to working and learning...
Doctoral student and alumna Kirsten Lansey is one of the most industrious students we know, and she’s now accepted a tenure-track assistant professorship at the University of Utah for the fall.
Professor Linda Shaw was featured on a panel for the university’s Center for University Education Scholarship, offering perspectives on the process of writing and publishing on CUES-funded education innovation. She presented with 2018 CUES Distinguished Fellow and...
Associate Professor Desiree Vega (right) and school psychology doctoral student Alaina Puff published this article in the Phi Delta Kappan on how counselors and psychologists support the college aspirations of students of color.