Dr. Jennifer M. White is an Associate Professor of Practice in the Mild to Moderate teacher preparation program within the Department of Disability and Psychoeducational Studies at the University of Arizona. Her scholarship focuses on increasing literacy skills of K-12 students, with an emphasis in learning disabilities by improving teacher knowledge and practice. She has been involved in projects understanding teacher knowledge of dyslexia and reading and efficacy of professional development, coaching, and online instructional design. She teaches both undergraduate and graduate courses covering evidence-based practices for reading, writing and math, oversees practicum and student teachers, as well as designed courses in special education collaboration and research methodologies. Her work has been featured in journals such as Learning Disabilities: A multidisciplinary Journal, Dyslexia, and Reading and Writing. In addition, she serves as the Learning Innovation Consultant for the Stern Center for Language and Learning where she has developed and supported the Lead to Read initiative, an online coaching and professional development initiative in literacy. As a member of the graduate college, she serves on doctoral committees and welcomes opportunities for advising and collaboration.