
Carl Liaupsin headshot

Department Head and Professor Carl Liaupsin

April 16, 2021

Department Head and Professor Carl Liaupsin was elected to the University of Arizona Heads Up Steering Committee.

Rebecca Hartzell headshot

Assistant Professor of Practice Rebecca Hartzell

March 18, 2021

Assistant Professor of Practice Rebecca Hartzell and her eight children were featured in this story on KOLD, Tucson’s CBS affiliate, about the adjustment and challenges to working and learning...

Sunggye Hong headshot

Associate Professor Sunggye Hong

Nov. 3, 2020

Associate Professor Sunggye Hong and special education doctoral students Garrison Tsinajinie and Sevgi Kirboyun published ...

laptop user using a laptop for a webinar

Free Webinars for School Psychologists

April 23, 2020

To support the education community during this challenging time, the college is offering a series of short, focused (and FREE!) webinars for school psychologists. Join Assistant Professor of Practice Marsha Spencer and her guests to learn about helpful resources available to school psychologists, administrators and related professionals. Topics range from telepractice to supporting teachers and parents to resources for coping with anxiety and...

sunggye hong headshot

Associate Professor Sunggye Hong was selected as a 2020-2021 Fulbright Scholar

March 1, 2020

Associate Professor Sunggye Hong was selected as a 2020-2021 Fulbright Scholar. He will conduct a collaborative research project in South Korea that explores the education and employment of people with visual impairments.

2020 recipient of the Diane Lynn Anderson Memorial Award

Feb. 1, 2020

The Community Foundation for Southern Arizona just announced the 2020 recipient of the Diane Lynn Anderson Memorial Award, who is none other than our Assistant Professor of Practice Stephanie Z. MacFarland. The award was established in memory of Diane Lynn Anderson to recognize those who exemplify the same qualities she possessed:...

Stephanie MacFarland portrait

Stephanie MacFarland honored with breakthrough award

Nov. 1, 2019

Assistant Professor of Practice Stephanie MacFarland is the TASH 2019 Recipient of the June Downing Breakthroughs in Inclusive Education Award. TASH, an international leader in disability advocacy, fights for human rights and inclusion for people with significant disabilities and support needs — those most vulnerable to segregation, abuse, neglect, and institutionalization.

Recognized internationally for her passion and action in...

An Intervention to Provide Youth with Visual Impairments with Strategies to Access Graphical Information in Math Word Problems

June 19, 2019

A team funded by the Institute of Education Sciences is building graphic literacy skills of middle school students with visual impairments. By allowing students with visual impairments to customize their work environment, and access graphics in their preferred literacy medium, they are better positioned to succeed in algebra. These students will then have a solid foundation to persist in STEM fields. Dr. Rosenblum directs this three-year, $1....

Project POEM

June 19, 2019

Using images and data from the University of Arizona's Mars HiRISE camera, Sunggye Hong and Stephen Kortenkampare creating educational experiences and tactile tools about the Red Planet to help students gain insight and interest in scientific exploration and study — and motivate students to imagine their future as scientists. Funded by the National Science Foundation, ...

Inspiring Young Students Who Are Blind or Visually Impaired Toward STEM

June 6, 2018

Mount Lemmon Sky Center was busy this June hosting middle and high school students kicking off an exciting new initiative called Project POEM (Project-Based Learning Opportunities and Exploration of Mentorship for Students with Visual Impairments in STEM). This million-dollar project funded by NSF provides hands-on learning over 14 months to VI students and fosters mentor/mentee relationships with UA students majoring in STEM areas. While...