
Stitching Stories Exhibit Reception, a Cultural Education

Feb. 16, 2018

Worlds of Words had an excellent turnout for guest speaker Chong Bee Vang who introduced the new exhibit, Stitching Stories: Hmong Customs and Symbols as Told Through Storycloths. Chong Bee discussed Hmong culture, traditions and storytelling. He shared his experience as a Hmong refugee emigrating from Laos to the United States. He also spoke about the detailed needlework involved in the creation of both apparel and storycloths. The intricate...

Local Teens Promote Reading

Feb. 15, 2018

Worlds of Words is running a pilot program -- the Teen Reading Ambassador initiative -- that positions local teens as reading ambassadors in their own schools. Teens in the program interact with published authors of young adult literature, receive books by that author, and share their experiences with their peers to promote reading in their school communities.

"The teen ambassadors will experience a combination of book discussions and...

Alumna Recognized for Long History of Service and Leadership in our Community

Dec. 18, 2017

Three-time alumna Debbie Bergman '76 '80 '07 was inducted into the Sunnyside School District Hall of Fame. The induction included this video of her history of work. Bergman's mother, Alice Paul, was on our Teaching and Teacher Education faculty and served as head. Professor Paul was the first Native American academic department head at the UA.

Dedicated to Teaching in Southern Arizona

Dec. 15, 2017

Arizona Teaching Fellows are UA students who work closely with partner school districts throughout their teacher preparation program. "This is an amazing partnership in which districts, community members, donors, and College of Education faculty and staff join together to recruit and retain talented teachers throughout the Tucson area," says Associate Dean Renee Clift. "Investing in teachers means investing...

Recipient of the Wenner-Gren Foundation Hunt Postdoctoral Fellowship

Dec. 15, 2017

Alumna Kari Ann Burris Chew '16, a project coordinator in the college, is the recipient of the Wenner-Gren Foundation Hunt Postdoctoral Fellowship. A member of the Chickasaw Nation, she says the award will aid research and writing on her dissertation study, We Will Always Speak Chickasaw: Considering the Vitality and Efficacy of Chickasaw Language Reclamation.

It takes time to learn to teach

Nov. 7, 2017

Associate Dean and Professor Renée Clift was quoted in this story about a new law to fill classroom teaching positions by hiring people without any formal teacher training.

David Yetman at the Cooper Center's Fiesta

Nov. 6, 2017

Earlier this month, more than 200 people swarmed the college's Cooper Center for Environmental Learning in the Tucson Mountains to learn about desert foods and see Sonoran Desert naturalist David Yetman, host of the long-running public television show, The Desert Speaks. Yetman, considered the voice of the Sonoran Desert, gave a compelling natural history of our signature species, the saguaro cactus, and stressed the importance of...

Broadening our horizons

Oct. 19, 2017

For the first time in the history of our college, students in the elementary teacher preparation program have the opportunity to do a portion of their student teaching abroad. We currently offer programs in Norway and China and are making plans to add a Spanish-speaking country to our offerings as soon as spring 2019. Travel broadens our outlook on the world, its people, and education. See the details for studying in Norway...

Community agencies actively recruit our interns

Oct. 17, 2017

Our Literacy, Learning, and Leadership majors represent a large portion of the undergraduates successfully adding internships to their college experience in preparation for their careers. We hosted a variety of community agencies at the College of Education Internship and Opportunity fair. Undergraduates were able to network and investigate internship opportunities by meeting...

Legacy Award 2017

Oct. 13, 2017

Walter Doyle, interim head of the Department of Teaching, Learning, and Sociocultural Studies, has been awarded the American Educational Research Association's 2017 Legacy Award in its teaching and teacher education division. The award honors significant and exemplary contributions from leaders in the field.

In a letter announcing the award, Pam Grossman, dean of the University of Pennsylvania's Graduate School of Education, cited...