Satisfactory Academic Progress Guidelines

Teaching and Teacher Education Program

Doctoral Students
In addition to meeting Graduate College rules for Satisfactory Academic Progress, students must adhere to the Teaching and Teacher Education  (TTE) Program Satisfactory Academic Progress policies as outlined below.

Criteria for Satisfactory Academic Progress

1.Program course requirements
    a. Students must successfully complete core courses in TTE program as outlined in the TTE Program     Handbook.
    b.  Students must complete the minimum number of credits as outlined in TTE Program Handbook
    c.  All courses must be completed with  a minimum GPA of 3.5
2.  Comply with examination schedule as outlined in TTE Program Description.

3. Scholarly Attributes: 
The student must demonstrate increasing and adequate proficiency in the scholarly skills, knowledge, and disposition appropriate for a doctoral degree.  While the exact definition of increasing and adequate proficiency will vary depending upon the student’s area of expertise and career goals, students must, at a minimum demonstrate:
    a. increasing sophistication in research skills with clear evidence of the likelihood of developing the necessary skills to succeed in a dissertation.
    b.  increasing sophistication in writing and presentation skills including knowledge of scholarly genres and clear evidence of the potential to successfully engage in scholarly conversations (e.g. conference proposals and presentations, manuscripts for publication);
    c. if applicable, increasing proficiency in teaching skills including clear evidence of the potential to successfully manage all portions of a course as appropriate for the student’s area of expertise and career goals;

4.  Professional Development: 
The student must consistently demonstrate growth in professional engagement with faculty, staff, administrators, and other students (undergraduate and graduate).  The student will adhere to the professional behavior as outlined in the University of Arizona Code of Ethical Conduct which will be sent to all graduate students each semester by the TTE Graduate Coordinator.

5.  TTE Faculty review of student progress
Students must meet with their major advisors at least annually to discuss progress and these meetings should be done before the end of each spring semester.  TTE faculty as a whole will meet to discuss and evaluate all TTE doctoral students’ progress annually in November.  Each student’s major advisor will provide a brief summary of students’ progress including academic or other concerns.  Doctoral students identified as failing to meet program guidelines for satisfactory progress will receive written notification from the TTE Student Affairs Committee with a clear statement of what the student must do and a date by which such action must be completed.  Within a week of notification, the advisor and student will meet to discuss how the student will remediate and make a plan with timelines and specific actions to remediate.  Students who fail to remediate successfully by the specified deadlines will be dismissed from the program.  The Graduate College will receive copies of all letters of unsatisfactory progress.

6.  Student appeal process
Students will have the opportunity to appeal or rebut a decision to dismiss.  The following summarizes the appeal process.
  a.When a student is notified that she/he is not making satisfactory progress according to the guidelines above, the student must acknowledge receipt of notification within 3 days in writing to the Graduate Coordinator. 
  b.If the student chooses to appeal the dismissal decision of the TTE program faculty, the student must notify the faculty Chair of the TTE Student Affairs Committee in writing and state the reasons for appeal within 10 days. 
  c.The TTE Student Affairs Committee must respond to the student with a decision on the appeal within 7 days in writing. 
  d.If the TTE Student Affairs Committee does not support the student’s appeal, the student has the right to appeal the Department’s decision to the Graduate College but the Graduate College’s review is limited to whether or not the program faculty followed their established policies.

Masters’ Students
Guidelines above apply to Masters’ Students except for the section on teaching skills and dissertation.

February 15, 2012